Making an appeal to help the people in Ukraine, Sting recently posted on Instagram a video of him singing his song, “Russians,” originally released in the 1980s. In the song, he pleads, “We share the same biology, regardless of ideology;/ But what might save us, me and you,/ Is if the Russians love their children too.”
“Russians” first appeared on Sting’s debut solo album, The Dream of the Blue Turtles (1985). At the time, the song, mentioning both “Mr. Krushchev” and “Mr. Reagan,” highlighted the idiocy of cold war policy that was fueling a nuclear arms race.
Sting made the new recording as a world power’s aggression is causing great tragedies in Ukraine. He notes in the video that he has rarely sung “Russians” since it was written because he thought it would not be relevant again.
“But,” he explains, “in the light of one man’s bloody and woefully misguided decision to invade a peaceful, unthreatening neighbor, the song is, once again, a plea for our common humanity. For the brave Ukrainians fighting against this brutal tyranny and also the many Russians who are protesting this outrage despite the threat of arrest and imprisonment – We, all of us, love our children. Stop the war.”
[March 20, 2022 Update: Unfortunately, the recently posted video no longer seems to be available for embedding, so below is the original video for “Russians.” You may also check Sting’s Instagram account for the video.]
With the posted video, Sting provides a way to help: “Supplies shipped to this warehouse in Poland are delivered in coordination with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and are guaranteed to go to people most in need. Wherehouse address:
Pol-Cel; Ramos Breska 63, 22-100 Chelm, Poland. Every box should be labeled “HELP UKRAINE” and indicate the contents: “Medicines,” “Clothes,” “Food,” “Humanitarian Aid.” For more info, contact: UK +44 1353 885152; USA +1 855 725 1152. helpukraine.center.
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