Happy Anniversary Chimesfreedom!


Studies show that 60-80% of blogs do not survive for more than one month after they started. Another study found that two-thirds of existing blogs had essentially died. So it is with some pride that we celebrate the one-year birthday of Chimesfreedom. Thanks to my friend Harry for the package of Chimes chews as pictured above. We hope that similarly you have found Chimesfreedom to be “stimulating and all natural.”

When Chimesfreedom started, I did not know it would continue this long and do not know where we will end up. It is not easy to keep a website updating regularly when one has a full-time job, so I understand why most blogs do not last for more than a month. Yet, maybe we will make it to 2525, as described by Zager and Evans in their famous song.

Come to think of it, though, it does not sound like there will be much pop culture on which to comment in 2525. Regarding the video, yes, that Zager Guitars ad over the video is from Denny Zager of Zager and Evans. He now has a custom guitar shop. The other half of the Nebraska group was Rick Evans, who wrote the song, “In the Year 2525,” which was released in 1969 and became a huge hit. But the duo never had another one. Is there a more depressing song out there? And then there is Futurama’s version, “In the Year 252525.”

But for now, let us enjoy the rest of 2011 and wish you a happy and healthy 2012. If you are new to Chimesfreedom, check out some of the stories posted under “Featured Blog Posts” in the right-hand column. And visit again to see what the future holds. As always, your comments are appreciated.

  • Summer of 1969: “In the Year 2525 (Exordium & Terminus)”
  • Chimesfreedom Greatest Hits
  • Chimesfreedom Blog To Be Made Into a Movie!
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    Chimesfreedom Greatest Hits

    Greatest HitsChimesfreedom recently added a new feature to our main page entitled, “Featured Blog Posts,” in the right-hand column of this page under the “Archives.” When you visit Chimesfreedom, that section will randomly select among some of our best posts, chosen because of reader interest or because we think they are among our more interesting blog posts. It is sort of a selection of greatest hits.

    So, if you are new to this website, or even if you are a regular reader who may have missed some posts, periodically check to see what posts are featured and click on the links to read the ones that interest you. This new feature allows you to find older posts of interest in addition to the other ways of clicking the “Category” links at the right or the “Headlines” tab at the top.

    Speaking of older posts, if you have not checked the live feed of the Iowa bald eagles lately, the birds are growing up. Check it out.

    Also, you may now “Like” Chimesfreedom on Facebook.

    Keep coming back and we appreciate your comments!

    Chimesfreedom Blog To Be Made Into a Movie!

    Chimesfreedom Marquee

    We have been waiting to share this exciting news until the papers were finally signed. Chimesfreedom is going to be made into a major motion picture to be released in summer 2013. We cannot reveal too much about the story as the screenplay still needs to be developed further, but the movie will incorporate stories relating to several of our posts as well as the real life drama of blogging.

    We are thrilled with the support and encouragement we have received so far, and the studio is currently negotiating with Aaron Sorkin for screenplay development. As you probably know, Sorkin wrote the screenplay for the recent The Social Network. The producers are still signing up the actors and director for the movie, so look for announcements soon with more details.

    In the early days of this blog, we never imagined this day would arrive. To celebrate, give a listen to “April Come She Will” from Simon & Garfunkel’s famous 1981 Central Park Concert. [Update: For anyone reading this post after the day it was posted, note the date that this information was posted.]

    Who should be cast in the Chimesfreedom movie? Did you know that today’s holiday supposedly has its origins in confusion that resulted from the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar? Leave a comment.

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