We have been waiting to share this exciting news until the papers were finally signed. Chimesfreedom is going to be made into a major motion picture to be released in summer 2013. We cannot reveal too much about the story as the screenplay still needs to be developed further, but the movie will incorporate stories relating to several of our posts as well as the real life drama of blogging.
We are thrilled with the support and encouragement we have received so far, and the studio is currently negotiating with Aaron Sorkin for screenplay development. As you probably know, Sorkin wrote the screenplay for the recent The Social Network. The producers are still signing up the actors and director for the movie, so look for announcements soon with more details.
In the early days of this blog, we never imagined this day would arrive. To celebrate, give a listen to “April Come She Will” from Simon & Garfunkel’s famous 1981 Central Park Concert. [Update: For anyone reading this post after the day it was posted, note the date that this information was posted.]
Who should be cast in the Chimesfreedom movie? Did you know that today’s holiday supposedly has its origins in confusion that resulted from the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar? Leave a comment.
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