All of us know people who are hurting during the current coronavirus pandemic. In addition to those suffering physically, many are in pain emotionally. I feel fortunate in that I may imagine many times in my life where the pandemic would have been much more difficult for me. But I know that others are now experiencing those worst of times. Health care workers, grocery employees, and other essential workers who are helping us all need help too. And many are lonely and scared, with the social isolation causing more pain. Everyone is suffering to varying degrees, so we all need a little of the love and mercy that Brian Wilson sang about in the song with that title.
“Love And Mercy” originally appeared on Brian Wilson’s debut 1988 self-titled solo album following his success with The Beach Boys. Although the song was released as part of a double-sided single, it failed to find any chart success. But the song has endured and is more timely than ever.
I was lyin’ in my room and the news came on T.V.
A lotta people out there hurtin’ and it really scares me.
Love and mercy that’s what you need tonight;
So, love and mercy to you and your friends tonight.
In the liner notes for the song, Wilson concludes that the song is “probably the most spiritual song” he has ever written. He explains the difference between the two terms in the title: “I would think love is a gentle thing and mercy would be more desperate, ultimately more desperately needed, thing in life. Mercy–a little break here and there for somebody who’s having trouble.”
Below is Brian Wilson’s official video for “Love And Mercy.”
This week I rediscovered the song while re-watching the 2014 movie Love & Mercy. I had seen the movie featuring Paul Dano and John Cusack as different era Brians in the theater when it was released. In parallels, the movie shows the young Brian Wilson facing mental issues during the creation of the Pet Sounds album, contrasting that story with the older Brian Wilson escaping an abusive relationship with a “doctor.”
I equally enjoyed the movie the second time. And this time around, I found a connection to what is going on the world and the video that appears over the end credits showing the real Brian Wilson singing his song “Love And Mercy.”
Not surprisingly, after I started writing this post about how “Love And Mercy” is a wonderful song for our current times, I discovered that someone else had the same idea. Brian Wilson recently posted a video of him singing “Love and Mercy” from his home (along with “Do It Again”).
Wilson recorded the at-home video for Rolling Stone magazine’s In My Room series. Check it out below.
Love and mercy to you and your friends tonight.
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