Trailer For New Film About Singer Jeff Buckley: “Greetings from Tim Buckley”

Jeff Buckley Movie Tribeca Film released the new trailer for Greetings from Tim Buckley (2013), the upcoming film about Jeff Buckley, the singer-songwriter who died in 1997 at the young age of 30 in an accidental drowning. The movie, which is directed by Dan Algrant and stars Penn Badgley of Gossip Girl fame as the singer, focuses on Jeff Buckley’s career breakthrough when he performed at a tribute show for his father, musician Tim Buckley.

Greetings from Tim Buckley will be in theaters on May 3. But if that is not enough Buckley for you, two other movies about Jeff Buckley will be coming out soon too: A Pure Drop (directed by Brendan Fletcher) and the “official” bio-pic Mystery White Boy (executive-produced by Buckley’s mother, Mary Guibert). The three movies are a time for Jeff Buckley fans to sing “Hallelujah.”

Do you plan to watch all three Jeff Buckley movies? Leave your two cents in the comments.

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    Author: chimesfreedom

    Editor-in-chief, New York.

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